Cirriculum and Schedule

The basic curricular package on offer is ten hours per week, consisting of individual instruction, groupwork and practice. This basic package is supplemented by Music Weekends (usually one every third week), and workshops from touring professional artists.

Individual lessons

All pupils of the Centre study two disciplines, and receive one individual lesson in each of these disciplines per week. These two periods are classroom extraction periods, and every effort is made to minimise the disruption this may cause. In addition to instrumental and vocal technique and repertoire, the individual tuition also covers such topics as theory, harmony, and composition. From S3 onwards, accompaniment and harmony is added to the individual lesson programme.


Groupwork is a core part of the Centre’s work. The first half of the academic year is spent working in duos and trios. After Christmas, students are split by year groups and each year group is tasked with creating material of a full length concert. This gives students the chance to continue to develop their band skills and even showcase their solo performing ability. Students are encouraged to select and arrange their own material for groupwork. If students play any instruments other than their two chosen studies, they can use these in groupwork, and everyone is encouraged to sing!


One hour per day is allocated to practice, usually after school, but this should be viewed as no more than a minimum. The practice sessions are monitored and reviewed regularly. The students complete their own individual practice diaries as well as a record of their individual lessons and groupwork sessions. These practice diaries are often then used during individual lessons, with next aims decided between the student and their instrument tutor.

6th Year Studies

We offer our S6 students an extra package of study modules which lets them tailor the balance between their musical and academic commitments to suit their own forward planning. Subjects include performing, sound production, skills for work in the creative industries, and general musicianship skills.

Read more about the curriculum and daily schedule.